A bit hacked off...

So yesterday I was watching adoption videos on youtube b/c it lights up my heart to see families meeting their children for the first time and I came across one documentary short called "Fly Away Children"... well needless to say it's not at all a positive portrayal of Ethiopian/International adoption and as I was reading the comments left by people about the video I was SHOCKED and appauled to see the still present racism and ignorance of the human race. People have a VERY strong opinion of something they know really next to nothing about (namely the journey of international adoptive parents and their motives). I just got so worked up about the comments and kept having to remind myself that these people likely are not Christians so I can't really expect them to understand the concept of adoption and yet they are all human beings so they should at least be able to relate to the children as humans who deserve love and security, but even then I was stunned to see that many felt strongly opposed to bringing more "sick, poor people" into the U.S. What the heck??!!! I guess I've been in my little bubble here with a strong support group and friends that are fellow adopters and never once thought that there was a such a contingency of people opposed to interracial/international adoption. I left some reply comments and I know that I will not change people's opinions (especially those seeded in hate) but if I can spread awareness and education I will try. The producers who made the documentary also did a great disservice to international adoption and the families who decide to grow their families that way with their biased and incorrect information. I encourage everyone to go to the youtube site for this film and leave a positive comment about adoption and what it has meant to your family. I know it may seem silly to argue with such people but "all it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing".

Also today we took Ezra to a great park off of Camp Bowie in the Arlington Heights neighborhood. I just love it out there. Michael and I both took turns swinging and we were both SHOCKED at how fun swinging is! I mean when is that that people stop swinging? I can't remember the last time I did as a child. Now I get why Ezra always points to his swing outside wanting me to push him. It's very freeing.


Becky said…
I'll have to go watch it and leave a comment. I also get really hacked off at people's ignorance! I came across your blog one day and love it...Ezra is so cute!!
Sarah said…
You are so much nicer than me sis! I would have told them to go F themselves and really blown a gasket! You know me with my prego hormones! Well...I can't wait till you get another baby! I want to go next time! Love you!

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