Photo troubles

Sorry I haven't been able to post pics onto the blog but my computer is doing something strange. When I upload a pic from my computer a totally different picutres shows up then the one I selected. I don't know what's going on but it's super frustrating. I'll have to figure it out later when I'm feeling better. Per the new doctor I have RSV NOT the flu. She gave me a shot and some more meds, so we'll see. I did eat today and only feel moderately nauseated. I bought some anti-nausea meds from the store since she didn't Rx anything so we'll see if they do anything. Michael is feeling really crummy today. I think since I am able to get around a bit the exhaustion has just hit him hard. He's taking a nap now. All of our family have left the house so now it's just us sickies on our own :( Luckily Ezra is a really easy baby thus far and entertains himself a lot. I woke up at 4am and he was just content to sit on my lap this am while I checked e-mail and watched TV shows online since we don't have cable :) He didn't fuss a bit. We put rice cereal in his bottle today and he wolfed it down luckily. I'm anxious to weigh him at his doctors appointment b/c he seems to have really filled our already. His lungs sound really crummy but he's still eating and playful so my doctor said to just wait and keep his pediatricians appointment and not reschedule for earlier. That's pretty much it for now. I'm looking forward to having my voice back and not having to constantly blow my nose :)


Sherry said…
Becky -

I am sorry that you have been SO sick! What a rough way to start mommy-hood. Know that we are thinking of you and praying for you.

I am in love with your little guy and his amazing eyes! What a precious boy the Lord has blessed you with.

I want to thank you for all the posts, comments, and pictures from ET. We were BEYOND blessed to know that you were loving on our children over Christmas. You went above and beyond, and your sacrifice and servant's heart for the waiting families is an example to us all. Thank you doesn't even express how filled you made our heart.

Take care and I'm praying for a quick recovery for you.

Blessings - Sherry :)
Kimberly Kulp said…
Oh Girlie! Feel better soon! I miss our talks. Are you just LOVING your new family? I am so sad as I am sure Micah is missing his buddy...

Danielle said…
Happy New Year, Burk family! I'm so sorry you're still under the weather, Becky. May you have a peaceful, relaxing day at home. Love to you! Danielle
Anna said…
Becky and Michael,
We are so sorry Becky has been so sick...We want you to know that we are praying for a FULL recovery for all of you. And praying for the Lord to sustain and support you!!! We were so glad to meet you and spend time with you! Much love to you and your Ezra!
Steve & Anna
Also we are so sorry to hear of the loss of your Father Bob. Our hearts hurt when we heard about your loss.

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