What I made today...

I LOVE sugar cookies and decided to try my hand at decorating. I'm in love with The Adventures of Sweet Sugarbelle blog so yesterday I decided I'd go for it. I now feel like a pro at rolling and cutting cookie shapes thanks to her tutorials which can be found HERE.

First I used her recipe for sugar cookies and cut them into cupcake shapes. While they were baking I made some royal icing and divided up alloquats for what I'd need it for (ex. each different color in both flood and piping consistencies). To store the icing I wrapped the bowls in cling wrap and topped with a plate to hold in the moisture. I then used her 20 second royal icing to flood the top portion of the cupcake and added sprinkles while it was wet. I then flooded the bottom portion to create the cup.

The next step was to pipe the outline of the cup. My piping incing was too thick and kept breaking. Consistency is something she talks alot about on her blog and now I know why. I then piped swirly thingies onto the top to create more dimension. Lastly I added a "cherry" as an afterthought. I wish I could have piped that first or just used a red M&M but I didn't plan that far ahead. Lastly I packaged them in individual baggies and created a little bunting to add a little something to the platter.

This is Michael's drill weekend so I sent them with him to work. Hopefully the guys will like them.


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