Cutest pilot EVER!!! (aside from his Daddy)
Michael took charge of Ezra's Halloween costume this year and ordered him a flightsuit from a company called "Fly Boys". You can pick the patches to go on the sleeves and let me tell you, this thing is GREAT quality. Michael had a lot of fun deciding which patches to get and decided to sand down his hand me down Radio Flyer to make Ezra a wagon similar to the A-10. Well Mommy didn't get around to painting on the shark face on the nose of the wagon but at least the grey color and Air Force roundell(spelling) were present.
Seriously... can he stop growing up already!

Apparently it's important even for pilots to stop and "smell the roses" every now and then.
This is Ezra's salute!

Ezra's "War Face" --- arrgghhhhhh!

Ezra's jet/wagon...

Ezra and Gammi at "trunk or treat"...
Seriously... can he stop growing up already!
Apparently it's important even for pilots to stop and "smell the roses" every now and then.
This is Ezra's salute!
Ezra's jet/wagon...
Ezra and Gammi at "trunk or treat"...