Update on foster to adopt

Well we've been licensed for foster to adopt for about 2.5 weeks now and already we've gotten 2 calls for baby boys with Meth exposure needing placement. If you are in the Tarrant county area the need is GREAT! I can't believe we are already getting calls. I was told to expect we'd be waiting a long time for a baby but WOW what a shocker. We are going out of state for a week to Disney World for a vet conference so we can't take any babies just yet so I'm praying that the calls will keep coming when we get back. I don't want any babies to be neglected or abused but I do want to be able to show a child the love of a mother and father. If you are at all interested in foster care I highly recommend you at least attend some meetings about it. It is much riskier and scarier then international adoption in that you literally have to be ready to take in a child at the drop of a hat, but these 2 lives have already been destroyed by drugs and with more people willing to take in these children hopefully they'll have a better chance for a bright future.


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