Great web site!
I saw this web site below mentioned on

It's a web site of little short videos of English children reading children's books in a sort of youtube like format. It's super cute and of course I love their accents. I think it is a great way to entertain school age children and expose them to literature at the same time. Just just click on an image of a child and you can see the title of the book they're reading, a short synopsis of the book, and the age range it's appropriate for.
Go to to see if for yourself.

It's a web site of little short videos of English children reading children's books in a sort of youtube like format. It's super cute and of course I love their accents. I think it is a great way to entertain school age children and expose them to literature at the same time. Just just click on an image of a child and you can see the title of the book they're reading, a short synopsis of the book, and the age range it's appropriate for.
Go to to see if for yourself.