A team of volunteers from St. Joseph, MO will be leaving for Ethiopia in March and they will be bringing books to begin seeding a library at Kind Hearts and Trees of Glory. This is just the beginning stages of creating a library at our two care-points so that the kids have access to books! (One of our sponsor families relayed to me that in the letter he had just received from his sponsor child, he simply asked for "books to help me learn".)
It's so easy to take books for granted here - because we have such easy access and abundance. But in Ethiopia, three or more kids often huddle around one book as the lesson is being taught. Trying to study is a challenge as that single book is shared between several children.
The team of 16 volunteers from St. Joseph Christian School is fund-raising for books and will be carrying as many books as they can in their luggage - and they will be purchasing books in Ethiopia as well. The children are learning English, and having early reader and advanced reference books available in English as well as Amharic is a rare luxury.
Check out the t-shirts the team has designed and is selling to raise funds for books! Go to http://jenandjoinethiopia.blogspot.com/p/ethiopia-2011-t-shirts.html to purchase a shirt and 100% of the profits will purchase books for the kids at Kind Hearts and Trees of Glory care-points in Ethiopia!